Dress Ups!

 The other day when Fiona and Kenzie were over I played dress ups with them.
I was suprised that they enjoyed it so much! Kenzie wore her bonnet even though she usually does not "allow" hats and Fiona loved wearing her dress even though it was way to big for her :-)
They looked so cute and it was fun taking pictures of them :-)
They are such a blessing!

Aunt "Rowee", Fiona, and Kenzie

Fiona and Kenzie just love each other!

Kenzie wore Raggedy Anne Doll clothes and a bonnet that I wore when I was little

Don't forget to stop and smell the flowers :-)

Prim and Proper Fiona

When Timmy saw the girls were dressed up he ran and dressed up like a cowboy :-)

There's a cowboy chasing me!

They loved playing on the bicycle

Silly Kenzie

Hello from Nevada part 2

Day Four:
Las Vegas on the Fourth

Heather braided Fiona's hair in a pretty "C Braid"
One of the houses my Mom lived in more than 40 years ago

A huge cactus we saw in someone's front yard

Visiting with my Uncle Carl and Aunt Georgeanne

The only building I took a picture of on the "strip" :-)

Day Five:
The Grand Canyon in Arizona

Welcome to the GRAND CANYON !!!!

A beautiful rainbow reminding us how the Grand Canyon was formed
 "When I bring clouds over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh. And the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. When the bow is in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant..." Genesis 9:14-16a.

It is so much bigger than I imagined :-)

A beautiful cliff
Samson, Heather, Fiona and Kenzie

Silly Kenzie

Big Sisters :-)

Little Sisters :-)

Farewell Grand Canyon! I hope some day I will be able to visit again! 
Day Six:
Return to Ohio
Hoover Dam

What we traveled in to get back to Ohio :-)

This concludes my trip to the west! I had a wonderful time with my dear sister, brother-in-law and my  sweet nieces. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to travel with them and I have so many sweet memories :-)  Adieu!

Hello From Nevada!

Day One:
Flight to Las Vegas
Happily waiting for the rental car :-)

Day Two:
Red Rock Canyon
Heather with her sweet girls :-)
It is so hot here!!

It is amazing to be able to see God's creation out here in the West

The mountains are so beautiful!
Day Three:
Valley of Fire
Fiona at Valley of Fire

After walking for a little bit we decided to turn around and go back
to the air-conditioning (the car). It is just so hot out here... it was the middle of the day and the 
temperature was around 105 to 110 (with no shade) and holding a little one makes you hot
and tired as well :-)
Happy Kenzie

Make sure you squint :-)

Doesn't this look like a cool cave house?

The windy road

Which way do I look?! Behind me? or In front of me?
The Valley of Fire was a majestic place to see!
