Ordinary People

I have been joining in on the Detwiler Christian Academy's history lessons for the past couple days as Mom reads a book on Theodore Roosevelt. While Mom was reading today I was struck by this quote from  G. K. Chesterton…

“The most extraordinary thing in the world is an ordinary man and an ordinary woman and their ordinary children.”

The author adds:

 “...Ordinary people are the ones who determine the outcome of human events in the end- not kings and princes, not master and tyrants. It is laborers and workmen, cousins and acquaintances that upend the expectations of the brilliant and the glamorous, the expert and the meticulous. It is plain folks, simple people, who literally change the course of history- because they are the stuff of which history is made. They are the ones who make the world go round."   -George Grant from Carry a Big Stick - The Uncommon Heroism of Theodore Roosevelt

We don't have to become famous in the world's eyes to make an impact. But we need to follow God's commands. And by following God's commands we will change the course of history. It was not the famous or the popular who sailed to America, but it was ordinary people who wanted to serve God according to the dictates of the Bible and their conscience. It took ordinary people to found this nation and it will take ordinary people to turn this nation back towards God.
The course it not easy but we nevertheless have to take it; and it takes ordinary people who are willing to sacrifice for what is right and honoring to God; it takes ordinary people who are willing to lead in the small ways and in the big ways!

~ Rachel


  1. That is a good quote, Rachel; and - Detwiler Christian Academy - like it! :-) Btw, what kinds of flowers are those? They're beautiful! As are all flowers I see....:D

    1. The flowers are called Squill. We have a lot of these flowers in our back-yard garden and they look so pretty :-)

  2. I really appreciate this quote Rachel! Thanks for posting. It's easy for me to feel very 'ordinary' as I go about my daily tasks as a mother.... But what a good reminder that ordinary people are the building blocks of society - and that whatever we do, we should do to the glory of God! Even the little, 'ordinary' things! :)
