Raggedy Anne Dolls and Muffins...

Last night I went over to my sister and brother-in-law's house to watch their little girls. I stayed overnight at their house and got to spend the whole morning and part of the afternoon with them.
It has been such a blessing to have my sister living so close to us and being able to spend time with her family; being a part of the lives of my two sweet little nieces is such a joy:-)  
I dressed Fiona up in her Raggedy Anne doll clothes right before lunch, she was so cute wearing them that we took pictures.

Fiona wearing Raggedy Anne clothes
Aunt "Rowee" and Fiona :-)
After lunch Fiona and I made muffins together. It was so much fun working with her and it was amazing how much a 2 1/2 year old can do!

I thought it would be fun to share a picture of when I was little and when I fit in my Raggedy Ann Doll clothes :-)




  1. I love it- Fiona is looks so adorable in the Raggedy Ann clothes! All of the pictures are very sweet :-)
    Btw, Happy 19th birthday, Rachel!! I thank the Lord often for you, and pray that He would bless you continually in this next year! Blessings, my friend!

  2. I like the picture of you with your Raggedy Ann! Fun memories (both of you coming over and remembering what you looked like when you were little!).
